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Medical School
We work with you in a holistic approach beginning as early as your first year in college.  Our approach is to assist you in creating a course of study that will fully-prepare you for the rigors of medical school, as well as the MCAT.  We set timelines, establish short and long term objectives, as well as plan out summer activities.  Whether you choose to apply through an early assurance program, early decision program, traditional path or after taking a gap year, we're with you the entire way. 
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Physician Assistant
Selection for PA programs has grown significantly more competitive, making early preparation critical to success in your application process.  Our approach for PA program admissions is very similar to that of medical school, as many of the same factors are considered by admissions committees.  There are some differences in curricular prerequisites, as well as standardized testing (GRE vs. MCAT), that we will help you with throughout your undergraduate and application process.  
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Business School/Law School
The approach to admission for business and law school has changed over the years, with the most selective programs seeking students with a discrete set of experiences and preparation that allow them to both excel academically and contribute to the educational process in a deep and meaningful manner.  As with our other graduate and professional school advising, we focus on preparation and establishing timelines for standardized testing (LSAT, GRE, GMAT) that put you in the best possible position to succeed.
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Other Graduate and Doctoral Programs
The road to other master's-level graduate and doctoral programs can take many twists and turns.  Whether you are seeking a program in counseling psychology, public health, science research or engineering, we understand the process and can guide you throughout your undergraduate and application process.  Selection for graduate programs, particularly doctoral programs, is significantly different than college admissions.  

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